Lasting Protections for Marine Animals
Fragile populations of sea turtles, coral, and whales are in decline. Each species faces unique threats to their health and survival. Without increased protections we may lose them forever.
The challenges are big but we know that innovative, community-centered solutions can make the difference. Oceans Forward is reducing threats and building protections so marine animal populations can rebound and thrive in the Caribbean.
All sea turtle species in the Eastern Caribbean are vulnerable or endangered. Through our efforts to end sea turtle hunting and protect critical habitats, Oceans Forward is working to stabilize and recover these fragile populations.
Photo Credit: Stephen Frink
In Dominica, Stony Coral Tissue Loss Disease (SCTLD) is devastating local coral. Oceans Forward is focused on the protection and recovery of coral, helping to preserve them and ensure they continue as part of the region’s vital marine habitat.
Whales are increasingly under threat. Historically, sperm whales were heavily hunted, and remain globally designated as Vulnerable on the IUCN Red List. In the Caribbean, the population is in critical decline, in part due to low calf survival. We’re working to reduce threats to whales, increase calf survivorship and help the population rebound.
Photo Credit: Amanda Cotton
Our Pillars of Work
By understanding animal movement, taking care of habitat, and driving innovation we create transformative programs for sea turtles, whales, and coral.